Flight Is Their Right
From Cages To Aviaries
Flight Is Their Right
We feel strongly that all captive birds should be given the opportunity to safely engage in flight. Why?
Flight is a bird's primary means of locomotion in the wild, and it is not our place to take away their innate need to fly. Flight is better for their health, including their musculoskeletal, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Flighted birds typically have fewer behavioral issues since flight reduces boredom and releases happy hormones called endorphins. Less pent up energy and tired from flight, leaves a bird with a more peaceful mental state with better overall temperament. As a general rule, flighted birds make better companions. If birds are better companions, then there is a far greater chance they will remain in their home and not be given away, neglected, and/or abused. With the current parrot overpopulation problem, it is important we try to keep these birds in their homes because it is very overwhelming for the limited reputable parrot rescues and sanctuaries.
They are long lived animals (up to 100 years), and due to lack of turn over seen with short lived dogs and cats, these organizations fill up rapidly and simply have no space to take in other birds. Sadly, this results in some parrots being euthanized at shelters and at veterinary clinics. Restricting flight by clipping wings or housing in very small cages is no less traumatizing then debarking a dog or declawing a cat, or placing a dog or cat in a carrier for 20 hours a day, all of which are not considered acceptable practices in most communities. In addition, parrots are not domesticated animals.
They are wild animals. Many birds currently in captivity in the United States were born in the wild and trapped by poachers in their native lands and exported prior to 1992 when importation in the U.S. became illegal. Those born in captivity are only a few generations from their wild caught relatives, and they still have the same desires and needs as their wild ancestors. Unless we strive to meet their needs, we will be setting them and their humans up for failure. And sadly, there is just no way a home setting can mimic what the rainforest can provide for them. But for those that are currently in captivity we need do better, much better, then the current accepted standard of care. It's time that the standard of care be revised with the parrot's health and happiness being the number one priority, as opposed to what makes living with a parrot most convenient for their human caretakers. We feel that transitioning from the standard cage model to the aviary model is a good place to start.
From Cages To Aviaries
Housing birds in cages that do not allow for flight or safe interactions with other birds, leads to mental health issues, boredom, frustration, and aggression. In fact, we feel it is animal cruelty, and it needs to stop. If someone cannot provide what a bird needs to have quality of life, then they should not bring a bird into their life.
As a caretaker of parrots, it is our obligation to provide optimal living conditions that enhances their quality of life. We need to keep in mind, these are not domestic animals nor are they domesticated animals. As such, birds are still innately driven by their wild instincts, which includes their need to forage, fly, and engage with other birds. Providing a safe place to fly, ie in an aviary, will dramatically improve their quality of life and enhance their relationship with their human caretakers.
If you are interested in learning how to set up your home to safely engage in flight, or need advice on which aviary to purchase, please feel free to reach out to us. We are more than happy to provide free consultations to help get you started.