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Our New Home

Dr. Kim Danoff

Finding a suitable location for an exotic bird sanctuary and waterfowl rehabilitation facility was not as easy as you might think. We needed the proper zoning, which we realized none of our local counties had zoning that referenced what we wanted to do. Nothing said we couldn't do it, but nothing said we could. That threw off many zoning departments and was going to require a special use permit. We also needed to ensure that zoning allowed for an on-site veterinary clinic where we could treat the birds that lived on the property, and any native waterfowl that was there for rehabilitation. We also needed a property that was large enough to ensure any screaming birds did not disrupt our neighbors. After many months of searching for the perfect location, we finally found our little piece of Heaven in Flint Hill, Virginia. The property is on the side of a hill, with a hardwood forest, and a creek that runs along the side and back of the property. There is an abundance of wildlife including frogs, deer, bears, bobcats, mountain lions, etc. We are very excited to be a part of the Rappahannock County community where the people are known to be incredibly friendly. We have met many wonderful and very helpful people in the short time we have been there, and are excited to get to know everyone in our small town of 209 people. For someone that grew up in a metropolitan city, this takes some getting used to, but I am truly in love with our new home and fully embracing everything it has to offer.

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1 Comment

Jan 07, 2022

Kim, I am so very happy for you!

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